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HomePairing chai paratha with your favorite tea blends

Pairing chai paratha with your favorite tea blends

What is happiness if not a stack of freshly fried parathas paired with a steaming cup of chai on a lazy weekend morning? 

Few combinations are as beloved and comforting as the pairing of chai & paratha. 

Super Asia features Mezban Chai Paratha – perfectly crispy and golden brown, best when served hot and fresh. 

As you tear into it, the rising steam carries with it the nostalgic aroma that reminds you of the simple pleasures of waking up to a wholesome & comforting meal. 

But what to pair it with? 

Super Asia is known for its exquisite range of tea & hot beverages made with the highest quality ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at some of our tea blends

1. Vital Tea Bags

A staple in many households, Vital Tea Bags brew a rich & flavorful cup of tea that pairs perfectly with the hearty goodness of chai paratha. 

To enjoy it as its best, add one tea bag to your cup, pour in freshly boiled water, and allow it to absorb the flavor before adding milk or sugar. 

2. Everyday Karak Chai 

For a bold & spicy kick, Everyday Karak Chai sachet is an excellent choice. 

This tea is typically brewed with black tea leaves, water, milk, and a blend of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. 

The use of these spices gives Karak Chai its signature warmth and depth of flavor. The tea leaves and spices are simmered together in water and milk for an extended period, allowing the flavors to meld and intensify. 

But Everyday Karak Chai is super simple to prepare! Simply add the sachet to a hot cup of water and it’s ready! 

3. Vital Pink Kashmiri Tea

This sachet is delicately flavored with aromatic spices and a hint of saffron. Typically, its prep involves a slow simmering process that infuses key leaves with spices and a special key ingredient: baking soda. 

This gives the beverage its characteristic pink colour. The result is a visually stunning tea with a delicate rosy hue that is as beautiful to look at as it is to drink.

It’s rich & creamy, and therefore, goes amazingly well with some good old chai paratha. 

4. Vital Turkish Tea

Turkish tea is typically prepared using black tea leaves, usually a blend of Turkish tea varieties grown in the Black Sea region. 

These tea leaves are steeped in a special double teapot setup called a “çaydanlık.” The larger lower pot is filled with water and brought to a boil, while the smaller upper pot holds the tea leaves. 

Once the water reaches a rolling boil, some of it is poured into the upper pot containing the tea leaves. The tea is then steeped for a few minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse. 

Vital Turkish Tea brings you loose black tea leaves that you can prepare based on your own preferences and flavor profile. 

5. Everyday Cardamom Tea

To prepare cardamom tea, the spices are typically simmered in water along with tea leaves and sometimes milk. 

The mixture is allowed to steep, allowing the flavors to meld and infuse into the liquid. The resulting tea is then strained and served hot, often sweetened with sugar or honey to taste.

But Everyday Karak Cardamom Tea is super simple to prepare! Simply add the sachet to a hot cup of water and it’s ready! 

When pairing tea with food, it’s essential to consider the flavor profiles of both the tea and the chai paratha to create a harmonious balance. 

Make sure you know which flavor profile you’re going for when pairing chai paratha with your favorite tea blend from Super Asia!

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